Today, October 17, 2024, is a supermoon.
This will be the closest full moon to Earth of all the full moons in 2024.
There are 12 to 13 full moons in a year, and the moon that appears the largest when viewed from Earth is called a "supermoon."
"Today's full moon is so big I feel like I'm being sucked in."
"I feel a full moon nearby"
Now I know that what I've felt at times when looking at the full moon in the night sky wasn't a delusion, but rather that it's actually the distance from the Earth that is affecting it, and I feel relieved and mystified.
It's very scientific, but at the same time, it feels a bit mystical, doesn't it?
It is well known that the phases of the moon have a major impact on changes on the Earth and in women's bodies.
For example, the tides are caused by the gravitational pull of the moon, and on full moon days high tides are higher than usual.
I'm sure the ocean is currently filled to the brim with the gravitational pull of the supermoon.
With these thoughts in mind, I search for the moon in the sky on this Indian night during festival season.
(Small rainbow moonstone ring)