About us

Hiromi.A is a brand born in India in 2020.
Designer Hiromi uses natural stones purchased directly from India, and original designs are produced at a workshop in India.
We want you to enjoy not only wonderful jewelry, but also natural stones, which have a beauty that comes from the fact that they are not perfect.
Add some flair to your everyday look and make it a little bolder than usual.
We deliver jewelry that makes such moments a reality.
Love, from Hiromi. A

Hiromi Ashibe. Lives in Delhi, India.
Former fashion designer. Active as the Japan team chief designer for a global brand.
Fascinated by Indian handicrafts, which retain a warmth that was difficult to feel with Japan's perfect but uniform products, he began purchasing them.
In particular, I was fascinated by jewelry made from natural stones in Jaipur, the city of jewelry, and started making jewelry with original designs.
Currently, he selects and designs loose pieces himself in Jaipur and Delhi, and directs production at local workshops.
Yoga instructor.

Meru by Hiromi.A
H iromi. A is a brand that accepts semi-custom-order (semi-custom-order) orders, in addition to regular ready-made items where you can choose finished products, Meru by. Hiromi.A (Meru) is also available.
You can replace popular Hiromi.A items with your favorite natural stones, or consult with us about your favorite diamonds or natural stones.
Please feel free to contact us.