
Aries zodiac stone

The stars that were shining across the sun when you were born are known as the 12 zodiac signs.
Natural stones that match these zodiac signs are called zodiac stones, and in places such as Europe, they have long been familiar as stones that maintain physical and mental balance.
If you were born between March 21st and April 19th, your zodiac sign is Aries.
The following natural stones are known as the zodiac stones for Aries. *1

Aries people are passionate, competitive, and act quickly when they think of something. They are described as having a strong sense of justice and natural leadership.
The cherry blossoms are in full bloom, and the stardust in the night sky at this time of year makes it seem as if a spring haze has spread across it.
Why not spend some time thinking about the zodiac stone that protects you?

Items using Aries zodiac stone

*1: The above are the most commonly known zodiac stones, but other stones may be used depending on the region or culture.

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