Journal from Hiromi.A

デザイナーのインド生活 -春-

A Designer's Life in India -Spring-

Nails in India!

A Designer's Life in India -Spring-

Nails in India!


Pisces zodiac stone

The zodiac stones for Pisces (born 2/19-3/20) are Amethyst, Ametrine, Iolite, and Aquamarine.

Pisces zodiac stone

The zodiac stones for Pisces (born 2/19-3/20) are Amethyst, Ametrine, Iolite, and Aquamarine.


Aquarius constellation stone

The constellation stones of Aquarius (born January 20th to February 18th) are ≪Sapphire/Smoky Topaz/Amethyst/Black Diamond≫

Aquarius constellation stone

The constellation stones of Aquarius (born January 20th to February 18th) are ≪Sapphire/Smoky Topaz/Amethyst/Black Diamond≫


Designer's life in India - Winter of air pollut...

Escape from the terrible air pollution in India and head to the Maldives!

Designer's life in India - Winter of air pollut...

Escape from the terrible air pollution in India and head to the Maldives!

Zodiac Stone Capricorn

Capricorn constellation stone

The constellation stones of Capricorn (born December 22nd to January 19th) are ≪Garnet/ Onyx/ Turquoise≫

Capricorn constellation stone

The constellation stones of Capricorn (born December 22nd to January 19th) are ≪Garnet/ Onyx/ Turquoise≫


Sagittarius constellation stone

The constellation stones of Sagittarius (11/23-12/21) are ≪Tourmaline/Amethyst/Tanzanite/Lapis Lazuli≫

Sagittarius constellation stone

The constellation stones of Sagittarius (11/23-12/21) are ≪Tourmaline/Amethyst/Tanzanite/Lapis Lazuli≫